Are you ready to improve your health with just One Less?
Small changes make a significant difference over a week, month, year.
Rather than cutting everything out of your diet or making massive changes that are not sustainable we encourage people to have one less of something.
For those who have a savoury palate it might be one less packet of crisps. Three less bags of crisps a week would amount to 156 fewer bags a year.
Or it might be as simple as reducing the amount of sugar in a drink. By taking one less spoonful of sugar in a cup of tea, someone who drinks 6 cups a day will consume 1kg of sugar less a month. That’s 12 less bags of sugar a year. That’s a lot of sugar!
You are free to set your own goal but the results will be the same, a happier and healthier you with a new positive and sustainable lifestyle change.
So what will you have One Less of?

Make Your Pledge
What will your One Less be?
“ I was told of the One Less challenge and it sounded simple and straight forward. I have always had my tea “NATO standard”, white with 2 sugars. To take out the sugar was something I could do. To have one less pint, one less can of coke, yes that’s possible, achievable, and obtainable.
Initially, my tea tasted horrible, this is not what I’m used to! But after a couple of weeks, it became normal to a point where I don’t think I could face a cuppa with sugar in it. I don’t miss cans of fizzy drinks. I do still have the occasional, but it’s the exception rather than the rule.
The upside of this simple change is that I am no longer pre-diabetic. My blood sugars are under control, not to mention the financial savings by not buying so many sweet things. I can’t remember the last time I bought a bag of sugar!
So go on, give it a go, you’ll have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t wait until you have that wake-up call. #havejustoneless.”

Make Your Pledge
What will your One Less be?